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Order Computers, Monitors, Web Cameras Today from SkyViewTek!

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SkyViewTek is working on our small business clients’ procurement needs – desktops, laptops, monitors, web cameras, and more. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has put unique pressures on manufacturers: higher demand and lower supply. With more children According to Verge, [pandemic] outbreaks have combined supply-chain hurdles with spikes in demand. In addition shortage of LCD (liquid crystal display) panels, the screen part of a laptop, plus the U.S. is considering to blacklist China’s largest chipmaker, according to CNBC. Another problem is that the notebook industry is in the midst of its busiest quarter of the year, a time when back-to-school sales herald a season of heavier demand for laptops that doesn’t end until Christmas, according to DRAMeXchange Technology.

In other words, do not wait to place your hardware or software order with SkyViewTek, as your it may take two to six weeks or longer to arrive at our office, due to the pandemic. Contact us today for assistance. Call 610-590-5006 or email